
Friday, November 16, 2012

Why I don't have a major.

College is hard.   I can’t believe I woke up this morning thinking, “I still don’t have a major.”  It isn’t that I haven’t picked one out.  I have.  About 5 times.  First semester was easy: double major in dance and political science.  But I couldn’t help but think that a dancing politician really wouldn’t be that needed.  So the next semester I became more practical.  How about sociology?  I mean what isn’t fascinating about women studies and learning why Siegfried Freud made leaps and bounds in his field.  But I couldn’t shake all of the strange feminist ideas that were being thrown at me so I figured to become more professional.  Third semester: business degree anyone?  Psh.  That was a joke.  I got a C- in Accounting 200 and have never been so proud of myself.  So I decided to go easy on myself; I would stay professional but still have a good business-like degree: advertising.  I spent one semester prepping myself for the program and suddenly realized that I am not crazy enough to come up with stuff like the Dollar Shave Club commercial.  So here I am in my fifth semester of college finally leaning towards Public Relations.  PR is great.  I get to work with businesses but I don’t have to be the guy who shows up to work every day wearing shorts in winter and coming up with great ideas while playing ping-pong.  I can do PR…I think.  I just have to apply for the major now.  And I am running out of options because I am coming to close to 75 credits and at BYU, after 75 credits a major change is hard.  After all, the only reason to go to BYU is to get married.  Administrators don’t actually care if you get a degree.  That is why rumor has it that they kick you out after seven years.  I’m not worried though.  I did my duty to BYU and found myself a good-looking husband.  Now I can just become a house wife and depend on him for all my needs.
                Joke.  The thing is I really want a major.  I feel self conscious when Facebook asks me what I am studying at BYU and I don’t have an answer for it.  I think that it would be cool to say I am studying (fill in the blank) and have everyone be jealous of me.  But that isn’t the case.  I had to sit down and think to myself why I don’t have a major and I realized one thing.  I am going to do exactly what my generation does.  I am blaming society for me not having a major.
                You see, I grew up hearing that I could do anything!  My teachers and others always gave “constructive criticism” and told me not to give up.  Don’t get me wrong, I am so glad that I was never put down as a kid, but in some ways did it hinder me?  Suddenly I can’t figure out what I want to be when I grow up because I was always told that I could do anything I wanted.  So I took what society was telling me and I dreamt about being a scientist, engineer, English teacher, President of the United States.  It didn’t matter if they were or were not practical because I had no limits!  Unfortunately, now I am a junior in college with no major and no plan.  Oh well.  At least I have my dog.


  1. you should just write my posts for me. deal?

  2. You're so cute Camie! I love your blog. It's way hard to decide and stick with a major... just make sure what you decide on makes you look forward to it always! If it makes any difference, I think you're a great writer :)

  3. I wrote about this the other day on my blog! I know educators were really trying to be encouraging and honest by saying "You can do anything!" but I feel ultimately it left me super confused. I won't lie...figuring out a major that feels "right" sucks hardcore, but once you find the right fit the feeling (especially the comfort/peace of mind felt) is amazing. Good luck! :)

  4. I am in the exact same boat! I want to do everything, but at the same time want to do nothing. Good luck finding something, if all else fails maybe we could just be adopted princesses to the throne of England. Or astronauts who walk on Mars. Or gypsies who do good for all mankind.
